Civil Air Patrol is a non-profit (501(c)(3)) organization that provides youth with the opportunity to serve their community, become leaders among their peers, and get started in the exciting worlds of aerospace and aviation.
Members of Civil Air Patrol must pay for most of their own uniforms and activities, and units must pay for their training and facilities costs. Units perform many fund-raisers throughout the year in an effort to meet their operating costs and help their members pay for training, activities, and supplies.
There are also several ways in which you can donate to Civil Air Patrol in order to help Members and Units succeed:
1. Donate Directly to McChord Composite Squadron
We are able to take donations directly by check. If you wish to donate in this manner, please contact our Squadron Commander. We also conduct short-term fundraising campaigns to support specific squadron projects or events and you can support these campaigns.
2. Individual Scholarships
Many other community organizations (Kiwanis, Rotary, Eagles, Elks, VFW, Daedalians, IOOF, etc.) generously grant scholarships to young people for projects and opportunities. Civil Air Patrol offers many unique opportunities to young people, but some are costlier than others (for instance, National Activities and Flight Training Academies). If your community organization is interested in hearing scholarship requests from us, please contact our Squadron Commander.
3. Donate to Civil Air Patrol
You can also donate directly to Civil Air Patrol on the National level. Donations to CAP will help fund programs for members across the country. For more information, see