Emergency Services
CAP's talents have augmented the Air Force in search and rescue (SAR) and disaster relief/disaster preparedness since CAP's formation in 1941. The emergency services' primary mission objective is to save lives and relieve human suffering. To be effective, the lives of CAP personnel performing the mission must be safeguarded. CAP demands professionalism in organization, training, and mission execution to accomplish this service. Only qualified members are allowed to participate in actual missions. The emergency services mission includes search and rescue and disaster relief operations.
Requirements to get involved in CAP Emergency Services:
Cadets must pass their Curry Achievement and Seniors much complete Level 1.
Members must go online to http://www.capmembers.com and click "Emergency Services" then "Education and Training". Finally, you must click General Emergency Services Materials. There you will find the PowerPoint and the two regulations needed to pass the examination.
While in there, you will need to click on General Emergency Services Questionnaire and select your test. CAPT 116 - General Emergency Services is required for the most basic ES qualifications. This test is open book and not timed.
After that, you need to go to http://training.fedma.gov/emiweb/is/is100b.asp. This is a self-study FEMA course. Make sure you take the test and enter your information correctly. When you get the email that you passed the test, go to the link they give you and print out your certificate.
Bring in copies of your certificates for these courses to the squadron and give them to the ES officer. He will then help you print out your 101 card and point you in the direction of future training.
How to get qualified to work a CAP radio:
Sign in to eServices.
On the left side go into Learning Management System.
Click on Introductory Communications User Training (ICUT).
Follow the instructions, watch the videos, and take the quizzes.
After you have completed all three portions, contact the Squadron Communications Officer to do the skill evaluation.
You have completed ICUT and can use a radio.